RESOLVED: October 28, 2016 edTPA transfer errors

Update: This issue has been resolved.

Dear Digication Community,

edTPA transfers are currently not functioning correctly. Users who try to transfer their edTPA folders are receiving an "Internal Server Error" message.

Digication was notified of the issue last night, October 27th, and our engineers are making it their highest priority to resolve this issue. Currently, we have identified the cause of the error and we are hopeful a resolution is not far off.

During this time, users can continue to work on their edTPA folders and materials. Only the ability to transfer materials to edTPA is affected.

We recognize that the ability to transfer edTPA materials in a timely fashion is critical for those using edTPA and we are very sorry for the roadblock this represents to those users who wish to submit their edTPA materials!

We will update this post when the issue is resolved and appreciate your patience as we work towards a solution!

Kind regards,
Your friends at Digication

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