How can we help?
What's New in Digication?
- Program and Institutional Level Assessment
- Improved Administration Statistics
- Customizing Your ePortfolios Background Color & Image
- Changes in the New Digication Development Cycle
- Update to Assessment by Standard Reports 7/21/2017
- Updates to Assessment by Standard Reports 4/5/2017
- Digication User Meetup, June 15th at University of Notre Dame
- Digication’s response to the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR)
- New Administration Tools
- Digication Training Webinars
- New & Improved Help Desk Articles
- Digication Help Desk Updates
Digication Status Updates
- RESOLVED: New Digication errors August 13th, 2018
- Digication System Maintenance: Monday, August 27th from 3:20am - 4:40am (Eastern)
- New Digication errors May 18th, 2018
- Digication System Maintenance - May 21st at 4:00AM Eastern
- RESOLVED: Digication Login Issues 2/25/18
- Digication System Maintenance - February 25th at 3:00AM PT
Student Guide
Logging Into Digication
Your Dashboard (Standard)
Your Dashboard (New)
Creating a New ePortfolio
- ePortfolio Title
- ePortfolio Permissions
- ePortfolio Web Address (URL)
- ePortfolio Tags
- Example ePortfolios Organized by Field of Study
- ePortfolio Comments
Organizing an ePortfolio
Adding Text, Media & Files to an ePortfolio
ePortfolio Sharing and Showcasing
ePortfolio Feedback and Interaction
Faculty Guide
Introduction to Digication
Your Dashboard (Standard)
Your Dashboard (New)
Creating a New ePortfolio
- ePortfolio Title
- ePortfolio Permissions
- ePortfolio Web Address (URL)
- Quick Start Guide to Creating an ePortflio
- ePortfolio Tags
- ePortfolio Comments
Organizing an ePortfolio
Adding Text, Media & Files to an ePortfolio
ePortfolio Feedback and Interaction
Building and Managing a Course
- Course Notifications
- The Assignments Tab
- Creating a Course
- Manually Enrolling Users in Courses
- Creating an ePortfolio Assignment through the Digication Blackboard Building Block
- Viewing Student ePortfolio Assignment Submissions
The Assessment Management System
Administrator Guide
The Dashboard View
The Administration Panel
- Submission Export
- Import
- New Administrator Tools
- System Settings
- Services/Status
- Manage Users & Groups
LMS Integration
- Using Digication in Blackboard: A Student Guide
- Canvas LMS Integration (LTI-Based)
- Installing and Configuring Digication as a Blackboard Building Block
- Enabling Digication for a Blackboard Course
- Installing Digication as a Canvas App
- Using Digication Within Blackboard Building Block: A Faculty Guide
User Management
Course Management
APIs & Extras
Authentication Integration
Program Assessment Guide
Using Digication
- Creating a School-Wide Template
- Adding Modules
- Viewing an ePortfolio's Site Map
- Using Relative Links in Digication
- Embedding Animated GIFs Within ePortfolios
- Course ePortfolios
Assessment Management System
- Admins: access a list of users in your community
- Self-enrolling in a course
- Course Notification Page
- Creating a Course Template e-Portfolio
- Viewing Assignments
- Viewing Standards In Your Course Or Adding New Standards
- Enabling Flash for Safari
- Enabling Flash for Mozilla Firefox (Windows/Macintosh)
- Enabling Flash for Google Chrome (Windows/Macintosh)
- Enabling Flash for Digication
- What information does Digication need to setup our Program/Committee Assessment System?
- Do you have example ePortfolios?
Digication Implementation
APIs & Extras
Course and Enrollment Integration
Implementation FAQs
- How can our school prevent emails from Digication being marked as SPAM?
- How Do I Add or Remove A User To A System Group?
- What is the convention for the course syncid used in course imports?
- How does Digication handle registration adds/drops for the Registration table?
- What does the Update/Delete field do in the User table during a batch import?
- Is Birthdate a Required Field in User Imports?
Blackboard LMS Integration
Authentication Integration
- InCommon Federation
- CAS Integration
- Transitioning to SSO and/or CSV sync
- How does Digication work with Shibboleth?
- How does Digication handle single sign-on (SSO)?
- Usernames and Account Deletion