Creating a Course Template e-Portfolio & Adding Template Access within a Course.
Course template e-Portfolios are useful as a starting point for students building their own course e-Portfolios. Templates allow you to provide the initial style, organization, page structure and content of an e-Portfolio to your students with one click.
Here's how:
1. Create the e-Portfolio template the same way you would create any normal e-Portfolio -- click Create Portfolio on the dashboard, and choose the name and style information that you would like the template to have. Add pages and content to the e-Portfolio. Fill out the page structure with example images, example text, and even instructions for students or faculty to follow to turn the initial content into a well-organized e-Portfolio of their own. Be sure to publish your changes or your users won't see them.
2. Open your course and click on the "e-Portfolios" tab. Click the "Add Portfolio" button.
Click "Search" to see a list of your e-Portfolios, or type in the title of your template e-Portfolio to search by name.

Choose the "Add" button next to the title of the e-Portfolio you wish to offer as a template.
Next, you'll adjust the default settings (see below for the default.)

3. Choose "Yes" on the Template drop-down menu to offer the e-Portfolio as a template.
What does it look like to the students/faculty?
On the "e-Portfolios" tab of the course, a "Create e-Portfolio From Template" button displays next to the e-Portfolios you have offered as a template.

Clicking the button opens the Settings page of a new e-Portfolio. The user will need to select a title and tagging setting (and is free to make other changes to the settings and permissions). Then they will click "Create New e-Portfolio" to create and open their new e-Portfolio.
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