Submitting Assignments from within a Course

Submitting Assignments from within a Course

IMPORTANT:Make sure that you have published the content on all the sections and the pages you wish to submit. You instructor will not receive draft content when you submit.

You can submit to an assignment from the assignment within your course or from your e-Portfolio.

Submitting from a Course

From your Digication Dashboard (home page),click on the title of your course.

Then,clickon theAssignments tabin your course. A list of your assignments will be visible.

Click on the Assignment Step to which you would like to submit – in this example it is “Step 1: My Evidence”.

You will submit your work in the “Adding Evidence” area.

You can choose to upload a file or files, submit from an e-Portfolio, or submit a rich text response.

To submit from an e-Portfolio, click “e-Portfolio”– a list of your e-Portfolios will appear.

Choose the e-Portfolio you wish to submit from – a list of the e-Portfolio’s pages appears.Select the pages you wish to submit.

If you only need to submit pages from one e-Portfolio:Click on the “Save and submit”button at the bottom of the screen. You will see a message confirming your submission.

If you need to submit pages from more that one e-Portfolio,clickSave, do not submit” at the bottom of the screen. Repeat the submission process from the other e-Portfolio(s).

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