Just getting started managing imports for your campus for account creation and enrollment data? Below is some information about importing accounts, courses, and enrolling people in courses using CSVs in Digication with corresponding sample documents that can be used as templates.
1. Creating Users using the "Upload Simple" Option
This is the quickest and easiest way to create user accounts. Below are notes on the fields this import file will contain. Attached file: UPLOAD_SIMPLE.csv
- AccountID - A permanent unique identifier, such as a school ID number. This field is the same as the User SyncID field in the CSVs described below.
- FirstName
- LastName
- Username - Must also be unique within your school.
- Email - Must be a valid email address format. For example: name@myschool.edu
- Password - We recommend a randomized password of at least 8 characters.
- IsFaculty - Either “yes” or “no.” “No” means the user will be created as a student.
- HaveCOPPA -Either “yes” or “no.” Affirms that the student is 13-years old or older, or has a COPPA form on file with the school.
- Birthdate - Can be left blank if the HaveCOPPA field is "yes".
Please make sure there are no spaces or returns following the data in any field.
Once the CSV has all of the user data in it:
- Go to the "Administration" page in Digication and select "Import."
- From the list of available options select "Upload Simple"
- Select "Choose File" to find the CSV with the data and then hit "Upload" to import the users.
You'll be notified if any errors occur after the import.
2. Creating/Updating Users using the Full User Import/Update CSV
You can also create, and update users using a the full user import CSV described below.
The full user import (Attached File: USER_DATA_IMPORT.csv) has the following columns:
- SyncID - User email or associate ID number (whichever is used to sync with courses)
- First Name
- Last Name
- Password
- Username
- Show Image - Always should be “1"
- Major - Can be left blank.
- Graduation - Can be left blank.
- Faculty - 1 is “yes” and 0 is “no,” meaning that it is a student account.
- Website - Can be left blank.
- Active - Should always be “1” when creating users. When updating users, enter “0” if for those to be deactivated.
- Birthdate - Can be left blank.
- COPPA - Needs to be “1” for account to be created. Means that users are over the age of 13 and/or have a COPPA form on file.
- Update - “1” if the user in the row is being updated and “0” if the user is being created for the first time.
- Delete - “0” if the user is being created or updated and “1” if you wish to delete the user.
Each row represents the user being created, updated or deleted. In the file sample provided it’s important to know that the second and third rows appear only as guidelines/examples and must be deleted before the CSV is uploaded into the system. The final CSV should only have [Users] in the first column of the first row with user data following it.
Once the CSV has all of the user data in it:
- Go to the "Administration" page in Digication and select "Import."
- From the list of available options select "Upload"
- Select "Choose File" to find the CSV with the data and then hit "Upload" to import the users.
*You can also select "Use Debug Mode" to be notified of any errors occur upon uploading.
3. Creating Course with the Course Import CSV
The course creation CSV (Attached File: COURSE_CREATE.cv) is similar to the user creation CSV in that it uses the “1” is “yes,” “0” is no logic for some of the fields. Here are a description of each:
- SyncID - Arguably the most important field, this number should be completely unique for each section, semester, and year so that enrollment using the registration CSV runs smoothly.
- Course Type - Always should be “COURSE"
- Title - Title of the course.
- Course Number - Number of the course from your institution’s registration data.
- Description - Can be left blank.
- Active - Must be “1,” meaning the course is active.
- Start Date - Course Start Date
- End Date - Course End Date
- Gradebook - “1” enables grade book for the course “0” disables the feature.
- Attendance - “1” enables the attendance feature for the course “0” disables the feature.
- Update - If the course is already created “1” updates whatever information has been changed using the course SyncID.
- Delete - Use “0” when creating a course. “1” deletes an already created course.
- Discussion - “1” enables the Discussions tab for the course “0” disables the feature.
- e-Portfolios - “1” enables the e-Portfolios tab for the course “0” disables the feature.
- Assignments - “1” enables the Assignments tab for the course “0” disables the feature.
- Standards - “1” enables the Standards tab for the course “0” disables the feature.
- Section Number - Section number from your institution’s registration data.
- Department Code - Can be left blank.
Optional Fields:
The following optional fields for CSV imports can be added to the course import CSV, but they are not necessary for its successful upload an processing:
- Jumpstart Assignment - "1" creates a 1-step submission assignment within the course and "0" does not.
- Allow Student Signup - "1" allows students the ability to self-enroll into the course and "0" disables the feature.
- Student Signup Password - For limiting student signups only to those who have a password, one can be indicated here. For courses in which passwords are not needed for signing up, this field can be left blank.
*Please note that these optional fields are not necessary for the uploading.
Just as with the user import, rows 2 and 3 are for reference only. Please delete them both before uploading. The final CSV should only have [course] in the first column of the first row with the course import data following it.
Once the CSV has all of the user data in it:
- Go to the "Administration" page in Digication and select "Import."
- From the list of available options select "Upload"
- Select "Choose File" to find the CSV with the data and then hit "Upload" to import the users.
*You can also select "Use Debug Mode" to be notified of any errors occur upon uploading.
4. Registering Students and Faculty in Courses
Once the student and faculty accounts have been created, you’re going to use the course and user SyncIDs to enroll them in the course. The Registration CSV (Attached File: COURSE_REGISTRATION.csv) only has four columns. They are:
- Course SyncID - Sync ID for the course
- User SyncID - Sync ID for user to be enrolled in the course
- Faculty - If the user is to be enrolled as faculty then this field should have a “1” and if they are a student is should say “0"
- Delete - This should be set to “0” unless this you are running an update in which you are removing users in which case you’ll use a “1” instead.
As with both other CSVs, the data being imported should immediately follow the first row that has [Registration] in it’s first column.
- Go to the "Administration" page in Digication and select "Import."
- From the list of available options select "Upload"
- Select "Choose File" to find the CSV with the data and then hit "Upload" to import the users.
*You can also select "Use Debug Mode" to be notified of any errors occur upon uploading.
- COURSE_CREATE.csv (490 Bytes)
- COURSE_CREATE_OPT.csv (593 Bytes)
- UPLOAD_SIMPLE.csv (164 Bytes)
- USER_DATA_IMPORT.csv (374 Bytes)
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