The ePortfolio directory in Digication is accessed by clicking on the "e-Portfolios" link at the top of both the standard and new user dashboards.

Featured e-Portfolios
If this feature is enabled, "Featured e-Portfolios," will show up at the top of the ePortfolio directory where exemplary ePortfolios can be highlighted to model or share vital information. As indicated by the screenshot provided, only the ePortfolio icons will be shown, so the featured ePortfolios should always have a custom icon if they are to be displayed in this area. For more information on how to add a custom directory icon to an ePortfolio, see:Select a Directory Icon
Create A New e-Portfolio
The same button that appears in the user dashboard upon logging in. Creates a new ePortfolio as detailed in:Creating a New ePortfolio
All e-Portfolios
The default listing shown on the ePortfolio directory page. This is a list of all the ePortfolios a user has access to; that is, all ePortfolios that are private within a school, or completely public.
My e-Portfolios

The "My e-Portfolios," tab within the ePortfolio directory will filter the listing to include only those ePortfolios a user has created.
By Person

The "By Person," tab allows users to search for ePortfolios by author. This is done by typing a name in the available field and clicking the "Go," button.
By Course

Searching the directory by course allows for users to choose from a drop-down list of courses they are currently or were previously enrolled in to see only those ePortfolios that have been shared within that specific course. To do this, simply select the course from the drop down and click on the "Go," button.
By Title

Searching by title allows you to quickly search for ePortfolios that have distinct names or words within their titles. Simply type the name or word found in a title and click the "Go," button to find all of the available and matching results.
By Tag

The "filter by tag," tab allows you to search for a tag and click the "Go," button to see all of the ePortfolios tagged with that specific term.
By Category

Filtering ePortfolios by category will allow you to see a list of all available categories to choose from and clicking on a category link will show users all the ePortfolios within that specific category only.
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