How Digication is Used by Schools

Digication for Students

Students can leverage Digication ePortfolios to expand their learning strategies and achieve deep learning, document and showcase their academic successes, and demonstrate career readiness. Moreover, Digication provides alumni access so that alumni may continue using their ePortfolios after graduation for career advancement.

ePortfolios are multi-dimensional platforms, in which students can embed materials in a variety of media formats. The versatility of ePortfolios allows students to creatively approach the material taught in class, reflect on their curricular and co-curricular experiences and integrate them, and to develop awareness of their learning processes. In addition, students can dedicate space in their ePortfolios for collaborative projects and for engaging in interaction with their peers and faculty members.

Digication for Faculty

Faculty can develop ePortfolios to enhance their pedagogical strategies by leveraging ePortfolios’ multimedia capabilities, promote an active learning environment and guide targeted student discussions, create and easily manage assignments, and assess student work. In addition, faculty can leverage the ePortfolios system to document and demonstrate their continuous commitment to professional growth.

As pedagogical tools, ePortfolios enable faculty to create a student-centered classroom by providing a virtual space in which students can debate and reflect on the curricular material, and engage in project-based learning. Faculty can harness the visual features of ePortfolios to render visible relations among hard to grasp notions and to encourage integrative learning.

In short, ePortfolios provide faculty with the pedagogical tools needed to help their students become self-starting and adaptable lifelong learners.

Digication for Program and Institutional Leaders

Digication provides program leaders and administrators a highly flexible assessment management and reporting system that permits them to gain both a top-down (program-centered) and a bottom-up (learner-centered) view of their program’s effectiveness and improvement needs.

Digication’s assessment management system integrates assignment-level student learning outcomes with the data and learning standards specific to a particular program (i.e. ABET, CAEP), and further, with the overall institution’s assessment standards and goals, and with state and national learning standards and rubrics, (i.e. NEASC, SACS, AAC&U).

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