Teacher rubrics-which have been created by faculty-and standards rubrics-which are attached to program and/or institutional standards (learning outcomes)-are both identical in terms of how faculty use them to score work; the only difference between them being how the output of those scores manifest in the various reports available as part of Digication's assessment management system (AMS). This guide will show you how to find student work and score it using both types of rubrics as well as how to view the results of each.
Scoring Student Work Using a Teacher Rubric
From the assignment progress window that pops up, click on the link to the student's work to open it in a new browser tab for review

After the work has been reviewed, return to the tab where the assignment progress window is still open and click on the link labelled "Submit Assessment"

Scroll down to the bottom of the page to access the rubric and enter your scores

Scores can be entered by typing a number value within the available dialogue box (1), or clicking on a cell within the rubric (2), which will automatically enter that value as a row score. Additionally, comments can be added to the rubric on a per row basis as well (3).
Click "Save and Submit" below the rubric to complete your scoring

If you would like to save the assessment/scores you have entered without finalizing the assessment, you can also click "Save, do not submit". This will allow you to save your progress on the assessment and come back to it later.
Scoring Student Work Using a Standards Rubric
From the progress window that pops up, click on 'Submit Assessment'

Enter your scores within the standards rubric before clicking 'Save and submit' at the bottom of the page

Remember; like teacher rubrics, scores can be entered by typing a number value within the available dialogue box (1) or clicking on a cell within the rubric, which will automatically enter that value as a row score.
Also like the teacher rubric, if you would like to save the assessment/scores you have entered without finalizing the assessment, you can also click "Save, do not submit". This will allow you to save your progress on the assessment and come back to it later.
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