When you create an e-Portfolio from a pre-existing template, many things are automatically inherited from the template, but you will still need to provide some fields to get started.
You will need to provide:
- the title for the e-Portfolio
- the url for the e-Portfolio
- the enable/disable tags setting
- the "show in directory" setting
- directory categories for the portfolio*
- access permission for the portoflio
- the footer text for the portfolio
* Categories from the template will be added when you hit save
Your new e-Portfolio will automatically inherit:
- the header image from the template*
- the directory icon from the template*
- the theme from the template*
- the custom css from the template*
* you have the ability to override these settings during the creation process
Pages in the new e-Portfolio are copied from the template portfolio, and will inherit:
- the page name
- the page url (for example, "pageurl" in http://school.digication.com/mynewportfolio/pageurl)
- the page structure, including collapseable and heading pages
- the hidden page setting
- tags applied to the original page
- comment permissions and settings for the page
Pages do not inherit the actual comments (comments on the template portfolio are not copied to your portfolio).
Modules are copied from the template's modules, too:
- the type of module
- the order of the modules
- the images and text
- the thumbnail display settings (for galleries)
Modules do not inherit the create, update or publish dates of the original module. In a brand new portfolio, all modules show as being created, last updated, and last published "now" (at the time you create the portfolio).
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