Overview of the Rich Text Toolbar
Click an icon to perform its function:
Top Row
1. Undo: Retracts the last change made within the text editor.
2. Redo: Reinstates the last change that was undone.
3. Restore auto-saved content.
4. Paste from Microsoft Word: Pastes any text from Microsoft Word into the window that pops up instead of pasting it directly into the text editor. Click Insert to import the text into the text editor for further editing.
5. Find: Searches the text editor for key words or phrases.
6. Find/Replace: Searches for and replace words or phrases within the text editor.
7. Align Left: Left-aligns text that you have highlighted.
8. Align Center: Center text that you have highlighted.
9. Align Right: Right-aligns text that you have highlighted.
10. Justify: Justifies text that you have highlighted.
11. Insert File: Uses the text editor to insert a link to a file. Browse to the file on your computer, and click the Insert button. You can link to Adobe PDF files, Microsoft PowerPoint presentations, Microsoft Word documents, and files of other types.
12. Insert Media: Inserts an image file directly into the text editor. Browse to the file on your computer or insert the file from the Web.
13. Insert Table: Inserts a table into the text editor. A window called "Insert/Modify Table" will pop-up and allow you to specify the number of rows and columns, cell padding and spacing, alignment and more. Once you have inserted a table into the text editor, more tools become available in the toolbar:
14. Insert row before: Inserts a row before the one in which your cursor is located.
15. Insert row after: Inserts a row after the one in which your cursor is located.
16. Delete row: Deletes the row in which your cursor is located.
17. Table row properties: allows you to modify the table row properties, such as alignment, color, and more.
18. Insert column before: Inserts a column before the one in which your cursor is located.
19. Insert column after: Inserts a column after the one in which your cursor is located.
20. Delete column: Deletes the column in which your cursor is located.
21. Table cell properties: allows you to modify the table row properties, such as alignment, color, and more.
Bottom Row
1. Font color: Changes the color of text you have highlighted, Click on the desired color in the displayed screen of colors.
2. Highlight text: highlights the text you have selected.
3. Font family: Changes the font of text you have highlighted. Select the new font on the drop-down menu.
4. Font size: Changes the font size of text you have highlighted. Select the new size on the drop-down menu.
5. Bold: Changes text that you have hightlighted to bold.
6. Italics: Italicizes text that you have hightlighted.
7. Underline: Underlines text that you have hightlighted.
8. Strikethrough: Puts a line through (i.e., crosses out) text that you have highlighted.
9. Bulleted List: Makes a bulleted list. Each paragraph of the text you have highlighted will be a bulleted item in the list.
10. Numbered List: Makes a numbered list. Each paragraph of the text you have highlighted will be a numbered item in the list.
11. Outdent: Outdents a line of text that has been previously indented. First place the cursor within the line, and then click the icon.
12. Indent: Indents a line of text. First place the cursor within the line, and then click the icon.
13. Create Hyperlink: Converts text you have highlighted to a hyperlink. In the window that is displayed when you click the icon, enter the URL (Web address) of the page that will be the target of the link, and then click the Insert button.
14. Remove Hyperlink: Converts the hyperlink you have highlighted to plain text.
15. Spellcheck: Indicates possibly misspelled words by underlining them with a jagged red line.
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