Dear Digication Community,
There was an access error this morning for a small number of users. The error has been fixed but users that visited Digication this morning may still experience an error until they delete their Digication cookies.
We have provided instructions below for finding and deleting Digication's cookies.
We are very sorry for the frustration experienced by our affected users!
Kind regards,
Your friends at Digication
PLEASE NOTE: in Chrome, Firefox and Safari, it is possible to search for and delete ONLY your cookies, but on Internet Explorer, you will delete ALL your cookies. These instructions apply to recent versions of these browsers. If you have an older browser version or these instructions do not match your browser, you may need to search your browser's help files for instructions on clearing your cookies.
Internet Explorer
For help deleting cookies in Internet Explorer, please see for step-by-step video instructions for your version of IE.
In the browser menu bar, select "Preferences"
Click "Settings"
Scroll down and click "Show Advanced Settings".
Under "Privacy" tab, select "Content Settings"
Under "Cookies" click "All Cookies and Site Data"
Search for "digication" to find all the cookies for, then click "Remove all"
Click "OK" to close the pop-up windows
In your browser's menu bar, click on "Firefox"
Click on the "Privacy" tab
Click on "remove individual cookies" link
Search for digication to find all the cookies for, select them and click "Remove Cookie"
Close the "Cookies" windows to exit
In the browser menu bar, select "Safari"
Click "Preferences..."
On the "Privacy" tab, under "Cookies and other website data" click "Details"
Search for "digication" to find all the cookies for, select them and click "Remove"
Click "Done"
Close the Preferences box
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