The "Manage Courses" area allows for administrators to easily find courses, edit their information, and batch add assignments and ePortfolios as needed.
Course Search

The course search allows you to do the following:
- View the contents of the course as faculty does
- Batch-add assignments to selected courses
- Batch-add ePortfolios to selected courses
- Edit information for the course such as: course name, number, SyncID; etc.
- Edit faculty to quickly add faculty to a course using their email or via faculty groups

The "View" option is perhaps the most useful option available to administrators. Clicking on "View" brings admins directly to the course as it exists in Digication. Administrators have full access to the course as if they were faculty even if they are not enrolled in it. This is great for troubleshooting course-specific issues for faculty.
Edit Info

"Edit Info" allows you to change the course title, add a SyncID (for easy enrollment using the registration import CSV), add section numbers, department codes, and a 200 word course description. It also lets you add a course start and choose which tools (features) you want to be accessible for the course.
Edit Faculty

The "Edit Faculty" screen allows for users to be added as faculty directly by putting their emails in the field and clicking the "Add User" button; the "Remove," link will remove the users from the course as faculty.
The "Add Groups As Faculty" option allows for system groups to be enrolled into the course as faculty in the same manner.
Once the necessary adjustments have been made to the course, the "done" button will save your changes.
Add Me to Selected

The "Add me to selected" button allows you to select a course and then add yourself to it as faculty. While administrators already have full access to every course and can easily get into them via the "View" link, adding yourself as a faculty member will make the course appear under "My Courses" on your dashboard. This is particularly useful for instances in which you're working in a particular course and require quicker access; preventing you from having to search for it every time.
Remove Me from Selected

The "Remove me from selected" button allows you to quickly remove yourself from any selected course so that it no longer appears for you under "My Courses" in your dashboard.
Batch Assignment Import

In order to batch add assignments, you'll have to first select the course or courses that you'd like to place the assignments in before clicking on the "Add Assignment" button shown above.
Adding Assignments

Clicking on batch add assignments will take you to a screen where you'll see all of the assignments you've created across courses, but can be filtered down by course using the "Search Titles" field to narrow it down if you have a large number of assignments.
Batch Add Portfolio

The "Batch Add Portfolio" option allows you to either create a new ePortfolio for the course or add one of your existing ePortfolios in the course by searching.
Search by Name

Manage Portfolio Access

"Manage Portfolio Access" allows you to select separate tiers of access to the portfolio for faculty and students. It also allows you to make the ePortfolio available as a template for the course if needed(simply change "No" to "Yes" using the drop-down menu under "Template" to do so). Once the appropriate settings are displayed, click on the "Save" button and the ePortfolio will be added to the course.
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