We're excited to announce the ability to easily copy entire categories of course content from one course to another, just in time for Fall!
Now Admins and Faculty can import Assignments,Standards,Grade Settings,Quick Links,Categories, as well as Discussions, with just a few clicks, making the process of new course creation much quicker and simpler. We know you're going to love it!
Here's howImporting Course Content works:
- From your dashboard,click on the title of the course to which you want to add content.
- With the course open,click the “Settings” tab.
- Then click “Import”on the left menu.
You’ll see a list of the courses from which you can import content. You can import content from any course to which you have faculty access, including inactive courses.
- Click the title of the course containing the content you want to import.
You'll see a list of content that you can import.
- Select the items you wish to importby checking the boxes next to the items. For Discussions, you can choose to import all posts, or just the top post of each Discussion.
- Finally, click “Import” at the bottom of the page.

Congratulations, your new course has all the content you’ve just imported!
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