This help content is only applicable to:
administrators or faculty managing a course, community or assessment group.
(Note: At this time the Gradebook is only used for Grading Discussions in Digication courses and is not connected to rubrics or assignments in the assignment tab)
To use the Gradebook, you first need to add students to your course using the User Access link.
In order for topics to show up in the Gradebook, you need to make them gradable. To do this, navigate to a topic and click the Settings button on top. On the right, you will see a checkbox which makes the topic gradable.
Once you have added students and gradable topics to your course, you will see a list of students and a column for each gradable topic. Click on a cell and type a grade. The grade will be automatically saved when you move to another cell.
Enter a number or letter grade. Letter grades will be converted according to the midpoint between two grades in your Grade Settings. For the most accurate results, use number grades.
When you are grading a student, you can also add a note on the bottom of the page.
Gradebook Shortcut Keys
First, click on one of the grade boxes (cell). Once you select a cell, you can use the following shortcuts:
Tab, focus on the next horizontal cell
Shift+Tab, focus on the previous horizontal cell
Enter, focus on the cell below
Arrows, scroll the grid up and down, left and right
Docking Columns on Left
There are two types of columns in the Gradebook – the docked columns on the left, which are indicated by a darker background color, and the non-docked columns on the right. Docked columns do not scroll horizontally in order for you to be able to see them alongside the non-docked columns. For example, the student names are docked so that you can see which student you are grading.
You can dock a column by dragging into the docked area at left. If none of your columns are docked, dragging a column into the first position will cause it to dock. To undock a column, simply drag it out of the docked area.
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