Creating a New Course

This help content is only applicable to

  • administrators or faculty managing a course, community or assessment group. Although the following instructions describe creating a new Course, the same process applies to a Course, Community or Assessment Group.

Course Settings

In the Course Settings page, fill out basic information about your Course.

Fill in the Course Title, Course Number (if you have it handy, you can always add this later), as well as a short description of the course, just a line or two.

Scroll down and select the dates you would like to make this Course available for viewing.

Optional Features

A variety of course tools are available including Discussions, Assignments, Standards, e-Portfolios, Gradebook and Attendance Tools. Select the options you'd like to use in your course.

Now click the ‘Create’ button.

You will be directed back to the Home page and you should now see the new course you created in the My Courses section of the page.

Click on the course title to begin administrating the Course.

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